Free 60 Day Trial

No obligation to continue or credit card is needed for clients and staff to benefit from the Pet Behavior Health Screening, Pet Parenting Basics Plan, and Online Library + Videos for sixty days.

Each business can decide if, how, and when clients pay for PetTelligence Software use, such as raising a veterinary wellness plan monthly fee, charging annually as a preventive care service, in response to canine or feline behavior questions and concerns, when medical symptoms indicate possible chronic pet psychological stress, or when prescribing any behavior medicines.

Medicines are more effective when combined with client education on pet behaviors. 

Most veterinary businesses offer clients a free PetTelligence registration, with the screening, plan, and online library education to capture the benefits of this value-added service.

Decisions include, will the veterinary business…

  • attending veterinarian or staff view and edit pet behavior records and/or choose to receive the screening auto-email reports?
  • want any customization or URL replacement of the included Pet Parenting Basics Plan received by clients upon completing the Pet Behavioral Health Screening?
  • send the client-selected behaviorist or trainer a PetTelligence link to that client’s pet behavior record for viewing only or with editing permission?
  • select a specific behaviorist and/or trainer that PetTelligence will add to your Pet Parenting Basics Plan? (PetTelligence has a business setting to share all pet behavior records with a selected trainer and/or behaviorist.)